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New testament chapters afrikaans and english in bybel

inacvedifleore1 2022. 8. 5. 14:01
  1. MTH Die Bybel | मध्‍य पुरविया थारू | YouVersion.
  2. Afrikaans language / MP3 New Testament / Version: 1983 Die Bybel: Nuwe.
  3. New testament chapters afrikaans and english in bybel.
  4. Bybel.
  5. Psalms 1 Bybel - Afrikaans Bible - Die Ou Testament.
  6. AFR53 Die Bybel | Afrikaans 1933/1953 | YouVersion - Bible.
  7. Timoteus 2 15 in afrikaans.
  8. TAVETA Die Bybel | Sumu Yedi ya Isa Masiya 1906 (Taveta New.
  9. Psalm 23 afrikaans 1983 vertaling.
  10. Afrikaans Bible offline audio - Apps on Google Play.
  11. Bible translations into Afrikaans - Wikipedia.
  12. Afrikaans New Testament & Psalms / Die Nuwe Testament En Esalms [Paperback].
  13. Eksodus 14 10-18 afrikaans.
  14. Here's how to read the Bible in Afrikaans - New Christian.

MTH Die Bybel | मध्‍य पुरविया थारू | YouVersion.

Die Heilige Bybel Afrikaans Bible -[version: 1953] Index with Book Numbers. Die Ou Testament - O.T. Afrikaans Visit BibleProject in English... Testament Book Overviews New Testament Book Overviews Book Collections... help om die Bybel as ’n verenigde verhaal wat. Afrikaans Audio Bible New Testament. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted.

Afrikaans language / MP3 New Testament / Version: 1983 Die Bybel: Nuwe.

Ander Weergawes van Hierdie Uitgewer. Afrikaans 1933/1953 Afrikaans 1983 BAEBELE e e Boitshepo BIBELE BIBELE BIBELE Mahungu Lamanene BIBELE Mahungu Lamanene BIBELE Taba yea Botse BIVHILI KHETHWA Mafhungo Madifha Bybel vir almal IBHAYIBHELI ELINGCWELE IBHAYIBHILE IZIBHALO EZINGCWELE IsiNdebele 2012 Translation Sesotho 1909/1961 (SO) Setswana. 11 En dit was sommige van julle; maar julle het jul laat afwas, maar julle is geheilig, maar julle is geregverdig in die Naam van die Here Jesus en deur die Gees van onse God. 12 Alles is my geoorloof, maar nie alles is nuttig nie; alles is my geoorloof, maar ek sal my nie deur iets laat oorheers nie. 13 Die voedsel is vir die maag, en die maag.

New testament chapters afrikaans and english in bybel.

. Arnoldus Pannevis proposed an Afrikaans Bible translation in 1872 in a letter to a newspaper. The translation of the Bible which was used in the Dutch Reformed Church at the time was the Statenbijbel, and Afrikaans was not regarded as a language separate from Dutch but as a simplified version of Dutch, and all white people were expected to be able to read and understand proper Dutch anyway.


Read and study in Numbers using the 'Afrikaans Bible' of God's Word! StudyLı Plug in, Turn on and Be En light ened!... The wandering in the wilderness is depicted in the New Testament as to take warning from for the Christians (1 Corinthians 10:1-22; Hebrews 3; Hebrews 4). The wilderness is a picture of earthly circumstances wherein. He returned to Taveta with his wife in 1901, where she died in 1904. In March 1905 he was made archdeacon of Mombassa and Bishop's Commissary, and was acting secretary of the C.M.S. in British East Africa. At the end of 1905, he resigned and returned to England. In January 1906, he became curate at Shipley in Yorkshire, and afterwards held. English. English ONLY; Western Pacific Ocean. Federated States of Micronesia. Chuukese;... AFRIKAANS BIBLE / Die Bybel 1983 - Vertaling (Met Herformulerings) / Woordelys V053. $59.99.... Click the button below to add the Afrikaans New Testament & Psalms / Die Nuwe Testament En Esalms [Paperback] to your wish list.

Psalms 1 Bybel - Afrikaans Bible - Die Ou Testament.

Psalms Hoofstuk 1 - Bybel in Afrikaans taal. Hoofstuk 1. Welgeluksalig is die man wat nie wandel in die raad van die goddelose en nie staan op die weg van die sondaars en nie sit in die kring van die spotters nie. 1 Tessalonisense 5:11 - Daarom, bemoedig mekaar en bou die een die ander op, soos julle ook doen. (translation: Afrikaanse Vertaling 1953). Afrikaans Bible for iPhone. Bibles for South Africa's languages. Download the Zulu Bible App. Download the Xhosa Bible App. Engage in Scripture like never before. Download the YouVersion Bible App. and enjoy regular time with the Bible, right when and where you need it.

AFR53 Die Bybel | Afrikaans 1933/1953 | YouVersion - Bible.

2 Timoteus / 2 Timothy 2 Bybel - Afrikaans Bible - DIE NUWE TESTAMENT. 2 Timoteus 3:15 - en dat jy van kleins af die heilige Skrifte ken wat jou wys kan maak tot saligheid deur die geloof in Christus Jesus. (translation: Afrikaans 1953)... Afrikaans 1953. ← 2 Timoteus 3:14 Full Chapter 2 Timoteus 3:16 →. 15 en dat jy van kleins af die heilige.

Timoteus 2 15 in afrikaans.

Books of the Bible. The Old Testament (also known as the Jewish Tanakh) is the first 39 books in most Christian Bibles. The name stands for the original promise with God (to the descendants of Abraham in particular) prior to the coming of Jesus Christ in the New Testament (or the new promise). The Old Testament contains the creation of the. PDF | On Mar 4, 2015, Jan A. (Jannie) Erasmus published 'n Nuwe parallelle Nuwe Testament in Afrikaans | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate.

TAVETA Die Bybel | Sumu Yedi ya Isa Masiya 1906 (Taveta New.

Hoofstuk 1. In die begin het God die hemel en die aarde geskape. 2 En die aarde was woes en leeg, en duisternis was op die wêreldvloed, en die Gees van God het gesweef op die waters. 3 En God het gesê: Laat daar lig wees! En daar was lig. 4 Toe sien God dat die lig goed was. En God het skeiding gemaak tussen die lig en die duisternis.

Psalm 23 afrikaans 1983 vertaling.

It's free. This simple and user friendly app is an easier way to feel God's word in your heart and to feel heaven closer to you and your loved ones. Carry your Bible anytime and anywhere you go, and read your Bible app wherever and whenever you want enlighten your mind. Simple format and easy to read. Share to social media like facebook and.

Afrikaans Bible offline audio - Apps on Google Play.

‎This app contains both "Old Testament" and "New Testament" in Afrikaans. Have the Holy Bible at your fingertips anytime and anywhere you go. This daily Bible App contains the 66 books of the Old Testament and New Testament, providing an easier way to feel God's word in your heart and to feel heave…. Afrikaans Bybel - Nuwe Testament - Klank - Internet Archive. EXODUS 21 | AFR53 Die Bybel | YouVersion - Bible.... [Afrikaanse Bybel 1933/1953] - (Heb 11). Ezekiel 37:11-14 New Living Translation (NLT) 11 Then he said to me, "Son of man, these bones represent the people of Israel. They are saying, 'We have become old, dry bones—all hope is.

Bible translations into Afrikaans - Wikipedia.

Afrikaans Bybel 10.1 download APK per Android. The best Afrikaans Bible app for free download..!! Afrikaans Bybel. Afrikaans language / MP3 New Testament / Version: 1983 Die Bybel: Nuwe Vertaling / It is mainly spoken in South Africa and Namibia [Bible Society] on A *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Afrikaans language / MP3 New Testament / Version: 1983 Die Bybel: Nuwe Vertaling / It is mainly spoken in South Africa and Namibia.

Afrikaans New Testament & Psalms / Die Nuwe Testament En Esalms [Paperback].

FREE Online Afrikaans. Exodus Chapter 14:1-31. - Bible Believer. Eksodus 1 — Wagtoring - AANLYN BIBLIOTEEK - JW.ORG. Wordfree: Eksodus / Exodus 3 Bybel - Afrikaans Bible - Die Ou Testament. Exodus.. FREE Online Afrikaans. Exodus Chapter 14:1-31. - Bible Believer.... (Afrikaans 1953) - New Christian Bible Study. FREE Online Afrikaans. Exodus.

Eksodus 14 10-18 afrikaans.

My Bybel doen en leer boek. (3 Boeke) 16. Jesaja 9 vers 5. 17. Johannes 3:16. 18. Lesse.... Ek het regtig op die OULIKSTE materiaal afgekom in AFRIKAANS en GRATIS!! Daar is 35 Ou Testament en 22 Nuwe Testament stories wat geillustreer word, in A4 blaai of kleiner formaat - in kleur of swart en wit as jy dit self wil inkleur.. Afrikaans; 中文.

Here's how to read the Bible in Afrikaans - New Christian.

Download Now! Die Bybel | Afrikaans Bible the best Application to carry God's Word. Have the Holy Bible at your fingertips anytime and anywhere you go. This daily Bible App contains the 66 books of the Old Testament and New Testament, providing an easier way to feel God's word in your heart and to feel heaven closer to you and your loved. Pannevis a teacher at Paarl argued that the Dutch Bible was virtually a closed book to the Afrikaans-speaking population In 175 Die. English to Afrikaans Meaning of gospel afrikaansenglish. Pdf file from his work, books in new testament being protected by testament, translators were originally written in a unique in different readings coming from.

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